Wildlife Exemption in Guadalupe County

How to Get a Wildlife Exemption in Guadalupe County?

There are specific requirements for converting land to a wildlife exemption in Guadalupe County. First, the land must have a current agricultural tax appraisal of some type. Next, the landowner must implement at least 3 approved wildlife management practices for native wildlife. Landowners can manage for game or non-game species. In fact, any native animal or insect qualifies.

Many landowners in Guadalupe County choose to manage for non-game wildlife such as songbirds, small mammals, and native insect pollinators. Native bees and butterflies have increased in popularity over the years. Others choose to manage for game species such as doves, quail, and white-tailed deer. In addition, some landowners choose to manage for both game and non-game animals on their property.

Wildlife Exemption in Guadalupe County, Texas

What are Suitable Management Practices for Wildlife Management?

There are a variety of management practices, with some better suited for certain wildlife and landowners than others. Brush management, supplemental shelter (nesting boxes) supplemental feeding (feeders), supplemental water (troughs), predator control (red-imported fire ants, feral hogs, nest predators) for instance, are all good practices that can make a significant difference, particularly on smaller properties.

The process of identifying suitable practices and creating a plan can be trying for many landowners. Fortunately, we are familiar with the guidelines for qualification for wildlife management in Guadalupe County. In fact we’ve helped landowners here and in other Texas Counties develop detailed wildlife management plans for maintaining a wildlife exemption on their lands.

How to Apply for a Wildlife Exemption?

To apply for property tax appraisal of open spaced lands as authorized by Section 1-d-1 of the Texas Constitution, including appraisal of agricultural lands, timber lands, or land used for wildlife management, a landowner must request a 1-d-1 Open Space Appraisal Application from the County Appraisal District.

We can provide you will the forms necessary for application. And again, only properties that are currently being appraised as agricultural lands or timber lands may convert to appraisal based on wildlife management.

How to manage your land for a wildlife exemption in Guadalupe County.

Required Forms for Wildlife Exemption in Guadalupe County?

Landowners wishing to apply for wildlife management appraisal must include an application and a wildlife use appraisal. These items must be submitted to the Guadalupe County Appraisal District (CAD). The Guadalupe CAD accepts these documents during the open application period, which is from January 2 – April 30, annually.

An approved wildlife management plan must identify the native wildlife targeted for management on your property. In addition, the plan must outline at least three management practices that meet the minimum intensity levels for each of the activities based on the wildlife appraisal region in which the county is located. The most common practices for wildlife exemption in Guadalupe County are brush management, predator control (fire ants), and providing supplemental water.

Wildlife Exemption in Guadalupe County

Please contact us if you are interested in obtaining a wildlife exemption in Guadalupe County. We are familiar with the Post Oak Savannah ecoregion and the Blackland Prairie ecoregion and can assist with identifying practices that work for you, the wildlife targeted for management, and your property. The entire process generally takes one to two weeks. We appreciate your interests in Texas’ native wildlife and look forward to hearing from you!